Wednesday, September 1, 2010

End of Day 3 of CR Seminar

Thanks so much for you prayers. I can feel them. Morris is feeling much better and the seminar is going so well.

Wow! What an amazing seminar this has been. To co-teach with Kenyans, to have them lead the small groups, has been wonderful to see how this ministry is becoming Kenyan! The people attending are so open to learning about CR and experiencing their own growth. Today we taught how to do the 4th step inventory and they were so eager to begin writing their own personal inventory. One man was so excited about it that he shared his with his new sponsor shortly after writing it. It was powerful to see how open they are. It has been intense and so obvious that God is at work here. I personally have so much peace about this seminar and it has gone so smoothly. God is good, all the time!

Michael finished his project for ICM and will be meeting with them to discuss his findings and recommendations tomorow afternoon. In the morning he will join us at the seminar so he can meet the people attending.

Tomorrow is our last day of the CR seminar. We will teach amends and forgiveness then the practicle ways of starting this ministry - the 90 day (or so :-))kick-off. In the afternoon we will have the cross and communion. Please pray for them to be open to ways to start this ministry and the feel confident that they are equipped to begin.


  1. Thank you Jana (yesterday) ... Awesome (we have been using WOW way too much). This is such an encouragement to me to see how God continues to use the people of Kenya. Kenya must be ready for changed lives!! You are fanning the embers of a fire that will travel by God's hand and direction through a county that needs to forgive each other from the past. I am so glad that you listened and obeyed on your first plane ride over there.

    Thank you Michael for giving ICM your time and talents. I feel I know about some of the awesome intelligence you have, thank you for sharing your thoughts and analysis with them. You go dude!!

    I pray for you daily. Have an AWESOME end to the conference.

  2. Jana,
    What a great report regarding the progress that the groups are making. What breakthroughs they are making and to imagine that there are some that don’t even know it yet!

    This is so exciting to read each posting and to hear how God is directing every portion of this seminar. To have Morris there, I think, helps others to see that this is a “safe” environment and that this can be replicated back in their churches. I believe that God really knows what He is doing and we “get to” see how well He works when we trust Him with all of the details of such an important mission journey.

    I guess it’s that part where we pray, God shows up and the “muppets” are guided and directed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Congratulations Michael on completing your evaluation and we will be praying for the presentation of your findings to ICM – that they are accepted, and that ICM will be willing to move forward with the suggestions that you will present with God’s mighty hand in control.

    Let Morris know that the “ill-feelings” are just satan attacking him because he is doing what God wants to have done and is really upsetting satan. GREAT JOB! Keep putting on the “Armor” every day and let Morris know we are praying for his health and for this to be just the start of another “spark/flame” in Kenya and for many years of things to come!

    In the Word in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 the Bible states: “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”


    In Titus 1:9 the Bible reminds us “He must have a strong and steadfast belief in the trustworthy message he was taught; then he will be able to encourage others with right teaching and show those who oppose it where they are wrong.”

    These are reminders that God always let’s us know that we are to be bold in what we do and in how we do it. It also reminds us that there will be opposition and that we are to welcome it and provide the responses to help the person get on the right track.

    God bless you in all you do this day and know we are continuing to pray for your health, safety and protection as you prepare to close with the cross and communion – such a powerful way to acknowledge all that God has done, continues to do and will do in our daily lives.


  3. Jana,
    As only God can do, He has used you once again to make a HUGE difference in lives that you will only come to know about when you are with Him in glory. You are doing well, good and faithful servant! Keep up the good works! God also meant for you to only have your mzungu husband with you this time, for you both, so that your relationship will grow to another level. I am sure He is showing Himself present in your marriage like never before as you partner in His work on the other side of the world away from all you know to be safe and comfortable. Many prayers and blessings are being called from eternity to be showered on you both! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  4. Trust in the Lord with all your heart:
    Well, that's what it's all about. That about sums up this seminar in particular. Thank you for trusting God with all your heart - amazing things happened!

    And lean not on your own understanding:
    God has given you both great minds, but He always has a bigger picture than we can see. You went on the road less traveled this time! I thank God that you were able to present this seminar exactly the way He had planned.

    In all your ways acknowledge Him:
    Through every valley and mountain, even right now as you have completed what you hoped to do God is not finished with you both on this trip. He still has many things He wants to show you and wants you to "suit-up" for. On guard!

    And He will make your paths straight:
    Amen to that! That's a promise so we don't run around like a chicken with....well, you know the rest. May He give you both a quiet serenity together as you begin to reflect....and some laughter too. Much love, Jo
