Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday's Pastor Training in Kibuyi

Today we trained over 70 pastors from all around the Karongi District in Western Rwanda. They came from miles away. If we did not pay the $2 round trip costs they would have had to walk for up to 3 hours each way.

We gave them an overview of the CR program. Dave and I gave our testimonies which were received with great interest. We also challenged them to pray and decide if this is a ministry they are willing to commit to. It's a hard one for Rwandan pastors because of the confidentiality required and also turning over the ministry to a ministry leader which is not the norm here. They asked lots of good questions which indicates they are very interested and trying to understand.

We are grateful to find that Maurice got his car repaired and it is running strong so we don't have worries about transportation for the rest of the trip.

We are staying at a house in town that serves as the PEACE office for Western Rwanda. It has 3 bedrooms that accommodates our team. We are halfway up the hill and can here a mixture of sounds made by the children, goats, birds and roosters. A happy evening sound.

Jeanne, who is taking care of the house, has made us African Tea, which we really enjoy, and is preparing our dinner with her sleeping infant wrapped in a cloth tied around her back.

Tomorrow we will finish our Senior Pastor Introduction Meeting and get to know these pastors and their culture a little more.

Our prayer requests tonight are for Dave who's stomach is giving him problems. I am feeling better but still under the weather a bit. Pastor Jean Baptiste (our translator) is fighting a long string of headaches and sore knees. Your prayers are working, as always. Please also pray for these 70+ pastors as they consider attending the next CR training in order to be equipped to start CR.


  1. We will be praying for you in Small Group tonight. And I pray for you often during the day ~ for settled stomachs, strong knees, peaceful hearts, open minds, and mechanical stability in all things. Keep putting it out there and doing what you know God wants you to do. He'll use your words and your hearts to touch the hearts of the people you meet, and the people who see you from afar. Keep fighting the good fight and dressing in His armor; we'll keep praying for strength, protection, anointing, and wisdom.
    love you guys!!

  2. Your team is awesome and you are all doing God's work (pinball on a PDA is pushing it, however, God works in mysterious ways).

    I pray for you all during my day (your night) and you are all in my prayers at night. Keep on keeping on and God will use you to get His message to them.

    Love you all ... Paul

  3. Hi there! Still praying for you guys!! I was out for the day/night yesterday for my son's graduation from university. You have so many praises and thank yous to report, so I know that God is guarding your mind and your thoughts being grateful for all you see, hear and do.
