Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 1 of CR Seminar

The seminar went really well today. There are senior pastors and key leaders from 10-12 churches in attendance and are really enjoying learning about CR. I can definitely feel God's presence through the people. This morning I began with my testimony and introduced the program. In the afternoon we had a Large Group meeting followed by Open Share Groups. The Swahili praise music was magical. Two Pastors read the 8 principles. Pastor Morris taught the lesson of Denial. It was great to hear the "Kenyanized" version of the teaching. He did an awesome job! I wish I had my video camera there to capture it. It really made an impact on those attending. This is a wonderful Kenyan CR meeting.

Before I came I was a bit concerned about doing the seminar without a team from the US like in the past. I miss my mzungu friends being here to share the experience, but there is a great team here that is helping do everything - the teaching, organizing, leading amazing worship, leading small groups, anything and everything.

Michael spent the day continuing to work on his project with ICM and is coming along nicely and enjoying his time here. It's been pretty cool but afterall it is winter here :-).

Please pray for those attending the CR seminar. Pray for Morris, he has a bad cold and is helping teach and lead groups. Pray that we continue to be the Muppets and be used by God.


  1. God is good. We should never have questioned the plan. I knew Morris would be an incredible inspiration for those in attendance and the two of you would be well supported and encouraged. It's great to hear all is going so well. I will definitely be praying for Morris' health and stamina. I, too, wish you'd had your video camera. That would have been great to hear. See what we miss when we don't come along.

    Continue trusting God and doing as you hear Him guiding you. Lives will be changed this week and for many years into the future. Amazing what planting a few tiny seeds can produce over the long haul.

    I'm proud of you. Have a great week. Your faith muscles are getting a great workout and are stronger and stronger with every trip. I can't wait to hear all the stories. Be sure to have someone take some pictures.

    I know ICM will benefit from Michael's insight and inspiration. Work hard and make sure you take some time to enjoy the people at the seminar, too.

    My prayers are with you!

  2. WOW!

    What a great gift Morris will continue to be in this role that God is using him for!

    Isn't it amazing how God directs the day and how He uses just the right people, at just the right time, to provide just the right message, for just the right people.

    I think about how much your trust in the progam is growing and the evidence of how much you trust in God's "perfect plan".

    Pray "the Armor" and know we are praying with you each day as you continue your quest to have God use you to reach the hurting in such an amazing place and in such an amazing way.

    I think that "the spark" has ignited individuals to "set a country on fire" for the truth that is needed so desparately!

    Praying for the balance of the training and for the opening of hearts and for the transformation to be apparent to the reserved. I pray for ALL of the participants to receive the message that God has for them and that as you continue to present the materials, the the "light bulbs would go on" and that they would "get it"!

    Keep up God's great work!


  3. God is working in a mighty way right this moment in the hearts of those Kenyan participants! May God give you the wisdom to speak the words they need to hear and to hear the words they need to speak. Be peaceful in His presence. You and your team (and of course Michael) are the right people at the right time for the right mission. Go forth!

    Kenya, I miss you. Hope/pray to visit you soon.

  4. It must have been an amazing day today. God woke me up in the middle of the night to pray for you and Morris. Wisdom, peace, guidance, direction, the words to say and the love to open hearts and minds. The battle is the Lord's! And we know who wins. Keep up the good fight..

  5. Habari -

    Thank you for your birthday greetings in the midst of all your work :)

    I have been praying for you as if I am there and love all the details God has pre-arranged that you get to see unfold as you step forward into unknown territory.

    Thank you, Morris, for all of your support and for co-leading with Jana. I'm sure there are many behind the scenes workers too (Hi Rose) - we appreciate you helping Jana (and Michael too). I am thinking and praying for you and our friends daily and nightly. I have their lovely pictures above my computer.

    It makes my heart and soul happy to hear that the magical worship is a foundation for the following teaching day.

    From Isaiah 12: In that day you will sing:

    I will praise you, O LORD! You were angry with me, but not any more. Now You comfort me. I will trust in Him & not be afraid. The LORD GOD is my strength & my song; He has given me victory.

    These verses so have CR in them! By now, it is the end of the 3rd day - the day that people really start to get it. May the Holy Spirit comfort them, help them to trust and not be afraid.

    May your LORD GOD be your strength and your song, as all victory and glory goes to Him.

    May you enjoy some laughter around the table, and remember our circle of laughter while we were praying for you before you left.

    As you read Ephesians 6, remember to stand and stand firm.

    God is with you! God is for you!
