Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Connecting Flights

We arrived in Minneapolis almost 2 hours late and missed our connecting flight to Amsterdam. The next flight to Amsterdam would miss our connection to Nairobi so we were told that we could not get flights until tomorrow. We would have to miss an important meeting with the prison headquarters on Friday. So many faithful prayer warriors sent up prayers and then we were rerouted through London, scheduled to arrive Friday morning at 6am. Maybe a bit tired from the long flights but able to attend this really important meeting. Thank you prayer warriors and thank you Jesus. It's been pretty interesting to see how God is using this expereince to witness to others observing Him at work. I give away all my rights, they belong to the Lord anyway.


  1. Sorry to hear that you missed your connection. The prayer warriors were at work so you will meet your Friday meeting as planned. A trip to London should be interesting especially if you get a tour downtown. Get as much rest as possible. Lets pray that your luggage finds its way.
    Greetings to Teri and Paul and all.

  2. Anxious to receive messages in order to follow your progress on such a dedicated mission. Will follow closely.

    Bob Kinney

  3. Well Team, I just proves that God is establishing who is in control "early" on your journey! What a great way to see what God has planned! I believe that it goes something like this... Stay up late - write the plan - arrive at the presentation - throw out the plan and depend on the Holy Spirit! God bless you as your day is filled with the anticipation and excitement of your arrival in Kenya!

    John Brennan

  4. May the Lord continue to give you the strength you need to get through the day....and night and day! Yes, God is still in control. Praying for all the tubs to arrive safely with you as well. Love to all of you, Jo

  5. Well hope you arrived safe love you both and have a great trip the two of you touch so many lives. Be safe love you Michael
