Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday Evening in Kitale

We had another great day here in Kitale. We spent the morning at Oasis of Hope, a center for street kids. It has grown to about 190 children who drop in Monday - Friday for morning devotion, breakfast, school lessons, Bible study and lunch. Then these 4 - 18 year old children go back to the street and sleep. There are an additional 80+ children that are now attending public or private schools and live in small group homes. It is an amazing transition program to get kids off the street. THe kids are getting an eductioan that would not otheriwse be possible becuae of their desparte circumstances. It was awesome to see how much joy they have when they are there. They have now begun a tailoring training for the older girls so they can learn a trade. I have had the opportunity it watch it grow from a very small center into an amazing program that continues to grow. We had a nice visit with Geoffrey, the director of the center. We got to play all kinds of games with the kids, some I still don't really understand what we were doing but it was a lot of fun.

After lunch I spent some precious, quality time with my friend Margaret. I hung out with my kids for a while then took them into town and bought them some new school shoes and toiletries and such. It is such a blessing to spend time with these beautiful children. But by the grace of God arranging for us to meet, they would become street children themselves.

In the afternoon Michael went to ICM and began working with them on a business project that he will be working on while he is here.

Tonight we had dinner with Pastor Abraham, the senior chaplain of Kitale Main Prison and my friend. He is the one responsible for getting my permit which grants me access to all 93 prisons in Kenya. It was nice that he and Michael got to meet finally. We had a great time of fellowship. They are planning a special program at the prison for us tomorrow in honor of Michael coming here, the strong man behind sending me here to minister to them. They are very excited to meet him tomorrow.

Pray for our day tomorrow at prison and for Michael as he continues his work with ICM.


  1. It's great to hear about the kids...anything else you can share with us? Sounds as if your relationships are growing and flourishing...I'm happy for you.
    Hi, Michael! How is your ICM work going???
    It's blistering hot here. Even big, tough baseball players are wilting like daisies.

    Stay cool...

  2. What an amazing experience. I can picture the kids running down to meet you. Augo's huge smile gleeming brightly. They do love their Mzungu. God is so good - to all of us. I'm sitting her smiling and remembering. His blessings spread around the globe....because you said Yes. Keep up the great work. Michael, have a great day at ICM and work your wonders. God uses each of our talents for His glory. Enjoy being the Strong Man at Kitale Main. Your support has had an eternal impact. What a team you two make! Standing together, what an example. Relax, enjoy, make new friends, treasure your time with old friends, and remember Jesus is with you every step of the way. Keep your focus on Him.

  3. What a series of "God-dots" that are being connected each step of the way! How is Abraham? Is is fully recovered yet? Next time you see him tell him "jabmo" from the "quiet one". Happy to hear you got some time with Margaret as well - what a great lady with a God-sized vision for a future for so many children. Michael, hope your time at ICM is a blessing to you as much as it will be a blessing to their future.

    So proud of you both and know that we are continuing to pray "The Armor" each day and pray that your protection from "...the evil one..." continues - God's got the battle as long as you let him!

    We are also praying that Monday's holiday will be celebrated appropriately and that those who have committed to attend the training will have smooth commutes, and that they will be prompted and convicted by the Holy Spirit to the inportance that the Celebrate Recovery is to their country as they continue to heal from their past hurst, hang-ups and habits. When you look back at where you started in this process and how far you have come, I believe that God smiles and celebrates with you each step of this journey just like the previous trips. God bless you as you continue to "sow seeds of hope" throughout Kenya.

  4. Habari! What an impact Oasis of Hope has had on the community, for the street kids of Kitale Town. Yes, but for the grace of God...and a whole of others that listened to that still small Voice inside that said "do this, do this in My Name".

    We will have to use our imagination to see both you and Michael at the prison tomorrow. Michael YOUR presence there with Jana means so much.. really so much.

    Special memories of those Oasis kids - (especially the two Joann's) flood my mind as I remember seeing them on the streets later that day. Thank you for going, thank you for supporting Oasis and encouraging Geoffrey with your visit.

    I'm looking forward to hearing more of Maragaret's work and her incredible vision for educating the youth in her region. (We love you too, Margaret.) I know that you have greatly encouraged her too being there in person.

    Michael, what do you think of meeting the kids? Any thoughts you want to share? We are praying for you and your work at ICM. May God continue to be what you need each day.

    As the CR Follow-Up begins after a good night's sleep, I can see those faces that we had the privilege of sharing with last March. Imagine us praying around the premises and over every chair supporting you again in Spirit, for we are.

    God is with you! To quote you: "I know God will work out the details, He always does."

    Be encouraged by these words from Ephesians 2:
    "Ever since I first heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for God's people everywhere, I have not stopped thanking God for you.

    I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.

    I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called -- his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance."

    Spiritual wisdom and insight. I pray this for you both tomorrow. May you be so full of the Holy Spirit and that the love of Christ flows from you like a river! Wow, I'm getting goose bumps just typing this (really) - something's up!

    So, warm greetings to all our friends there! Rest well....until the "pterodactyls" wake you up in the morning.
