Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We made it to Nairobi!

Paul and Teri picked us up at 2:45 AM on Monday and took us to LAX for our flight. Wow, now that's real friendship! Thanks guys! A TSA agent/CR friend met us at the gate and prayed for us before we took off. Our plane was delayed out of Detroit by 2 hours but we still had plenty of time to make our connection in Amsterdam. Thanks so much for all of your prayers. Everything has gone smoothly, all our luggage arrived with us and we are feeling healthy and were warmly welcomed by the staff at Methodist Guest House where we will stay for the next 2 nights.

Pray for good rest and ab easy transition as we adjust to being 10 hours ahead of time at home. Pray for connections and meetings over the next couple of days here in Nairobi.


  1. Thanks for letting us know you made it!

  2. Give my "Greetings" to my friends at the Guest House. Wish I was there with you! Get rest when you can. I know you've already hit the ground running. I'm praying for you - for those divine appointments and connections. Remember who the Master plate spinner is and go where He leads. I know you're in good hands! Have a great day!

  3. Happy to hear that you two made it. Michael, have a black current Fanta for me. Pet the cat with the black lip stick and enjoy the food.
    I am praying for you two and all the details that God will work out. Have fun and continue to go where God leads.
    Love you two. Paul

  4. Jealous and excited! May God pour peace, love, and healing in you and through you.

  5. Hope you had a great anniversary celebration - happy number ten!

    By now you should be at your location for your follow-up 1-Dayer.

    If we were there, we would be covering the place in prayer, the building, each chair; for you to be His muppet; that God would use your unique "yesterday" personality to shine through the day. ...God is with you! He's for you!

    Pretend like we are there in the front row supporting you, because we are in a way. Let's hear a "you-hoo!" from Paul.

    Can't wait to hear how some of the churches are doing there as well as our chaplain friends. - jo

  6. Amen to Joann's comments! And I'm in the back taking pictures..... Praying for you and all you come in contact with today.
